Jack in the Pulpit

Jack in the Pulpit

Arisaema triphyllum

What’s not to love about this native wildflower? It is exotic–practically sexy with all its twists and curves. Take a look at the photo gallery to see how variable in size and color the flowers of Jack in the Pulpit can be.  One thing they all have in common though, is the little “man” (Jack) inside a hooded flower (the pulpit).  You must fold back the hood to get a good look at him!

The leaves of Jack in the Pulpit are trifoliate, or three-parted.  The flowers are typically light green with vertical purple stripes. Sometimes the flowers are simply all green.

Flowers bloom in springtime, April through June. Berries ripen over the summer, turning from a bright green to a rich red color at maturity.  (See the last photo in the gallery.)

All parts of this plant are poisonous if consumed raw.  With some preparation, parts of this native plant have been used medicinally by Native Americans for treatment of a variety of ailments.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Linda says:

    Found some yesterday (4/17/23) on the face of Angel’s Rest

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