Gem-studded Puffballs

Lycoperdon perlatum

This information is taken directly from Wikipedia:

“This mushroom, popularly known as the common puffballwarted puffballgem-studded puffball, or the devil’s snuff-box, is a species of puffball fungus in the family Agaricaceae. A widespread species with a cosmopolitan distribution, it is a medium-sized puffball with a round fruit body tapering to a wide stalk. It is off-white with a top covered in short spiny bumps or “jewels”, which are easily rubbed off to leave a netlike pattern on the surface. When mature it becomes brown, and a hole in the top opens to releasespores in a burst when the body is compressed by touch or falling raindrops.

The puffball grows in fields, gardens, and along roadsides, as well as in grassy clearings in woods. It is edible when young and while the internal flesh is completely white, although care must be taken to avoid confusion with immature fruit bodies of poisonous Amanita species.”



Puffballs come in more colors and sizes. Don’t miss Giant Puffballs, and Pear-shaped Puffballs on other pages. Also, here are a couple of other odd ones:



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