Spring 2017 is here!

In the interest of getting things started again here at Virginia Wildflowers, I am copying some photos from last spring to re-familiarize you with the progression of spring flowers that may be blooming in your area now. I’ve been out wandering these last few weeks, keeping a close watch on the ground for the “first signs of spring”, and now- after a slow start, there is plenty to report. In fact, spring 2017 is moving quickly due to the unseasonably warm temperatures. Here’s what’s happening in my neck of the woods (Southwest Virginia, elevation 2,000 feet, April 3rd):

Skunk Cabbage is past flowering and partially leafed out in all the soggy places nearby! Trout Lilies bloomed two weeks ago! Hepatica and Bloodroot flowers have already gone to seed, but if you get out there this week you may be able to still find a few!  Twin LeafDutchman’s BreechesColtsfoot, and Rue Anemone are in full flower now.  Golden Ragwort is unfurling masses of sunny blooms too. So much excitement, so little time!

The leaves of Wild Ginger are just coming up now, and the tall Virginia Bluebells are beginning to bloom (love them!). The woods around my house are literally carpeted with tiny, white and pink Spring Beauties.  Heartleaf, Trillium and Solomon’s Seal are poking their heads out of the ground too…they are still a little apprehensive about making an appearance.

On local list serves, I’ve seen reference to the fact that Morels are even up in some places in our area. I haven’t seen any myself yet, but that doesn’t mean a dedicated hunter couldn’t find some right now if they tried.  Recent rains should definitely help things along.

Be well, and happy trails this year!


11 Comments Add yours

  1. perry2186 says:

    When do morels start popping up around yorktown

    1. Gloria says:

      Hi There! I can’t tell you much about Yorktown…I’ve never spent much time in that part of the state. I can say that in general, April seems to be the time for morels. Check with local mushroom clubs to learn more about your area.

  2. Barry says:

    I have spoken to you before here….as your site helped me id two wild flowers I have searched for answers for (been a year or two). Again…my love for wild flowers are for edible and medicimal interests. But as a 51 year old man, I have to admit, that red buds with a back ground of new light green leaves from another tree, is quite a sight to behold. Day lillys remind me of my childhood, orange and deep blue flowers seem to catch my attention, or anything I see as odd or different. Again, I live near Danville…..and cannot find as many of the plants as you do, or I’m not as good as looking for them, but the reason I write is……..your site is quite a collection, from your years of work. It’s on my favorite bar at the top of my page. Your site is very valuable to me. A wonderful resourse. So, from an odd country boy to a great lady who loves plants, I want to thank you so much for your work, and your site. I have never seen a collection like it anywhere. Very impressive. Thank you so much.

    1. Gloria says:

      Hi Barry. Thanks so much for your kind words about my website. I’m just delighted that people are using it! I grew up in Philadelphia, and as a child from the city I never learned a lot about the natural world in my youth. In College, I identified Biology as a passion, but it wasn’t until I was in my 50’s that I got interested in plants per se. Now I’m just taken with them. I agree with you that there is something about the colors, and the morphology of the plants themselves, that provides the kind of solace I find I need more and more in life. The photography presents its own challenges and rewards, and I enjoy that just as much.

      Well, thanks again. It was kind of you to take the time to stop and say hello.

  3. Amy says:

    What a beautiful collection! Going out in my woods this morning, now that the rain is over.


    1. Gloria says:

      Yay! Wish I could go!

      1. Amy says:

        Hi Gloria! Back from exploring. Bloodroot is plentiful, as is Hepatica. Lots of Squaw Root as well. No Morels, but that’s the story of my life; my husband and I laugh (wince?) every year as we hunt and hunt … any suggestions? Tulip Poplars abound in these wild woods! Do I need a Divining Rod?! 😉
        I’m in Nellysford, Central VA. Thanks again for the lovely website.

  4. JABurger says:

    Gloria, Thanks for a wonderful post. You always brighten my day!

    1. Gloria says:

      We need to take a hike together, Jim!

  5. Hello, I have a question about a small, white, multi-petaled flower of which I have found three specimens on the woodland trails alongside a river near where I live. There is only 1 flower to the plant. Before opening, it looked very much like a small tulip when closed. It is very beautiful and had a short life–only about 3 days. It doesn’t seem to be in your list of spring flowers. Can you help? I have a photo of it.

    1. Gloria says:

      Hi Rachel! Could it be Hepatica or Spring Beauty? Feel free to send me a photo at ghschoenholtz@gmail.com.


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